Apr 5, 2010

here comes the herd

So I promised more cows, and now I deliver. As I mentioned we stayed with a friend-of- the-bands parent's this weekend outside of Harrisonburg VA, who live on a DAIRY FARM!!! Soooooo, as soon as I woke up Sat morning I was making friends with the locals. Cows are some of my favorite animals, (their unethical treatment is one reason that I choose not to eat them) I must say they somehow remind me of Cotton, and they are so dang curious! The babies were timid of me when I first introduced myself, but as soon as one trusted me, they were all wondering what I was up to, and ready to greet me. It seemed to follow suit for the big ones as well.


Errie said...

Wow! nice photos! very good job!

lllCamylll said...

Nice Photos and happy to know that you do not consume beef, a noble thought indeed :)

Anonymous said...

Nice photo of the calf's eye. I love them in life and on the plate too.